Friday, June 27, 2008

Days of the Beer, June 28

The Beer for today is Old Style.

On June 28, 1964, Mark Grace was born. Mark wore number 17 for his career. He played first base and batted left-handed.

He's a career .303 Batting Average, and had 173 home runs, with 1146 RBI. He finished his career with the Arizona Diamondbacks, but spent most of his time playing with the Chicago Cubs, from 1988-2000.

I know that he's some people's favorite baseball player (one person I know in particular); and what beer says Cubs favorite better than Old Style. Old Style became a sponsor of the Cubs in 1950, and has been associated with the team ever since.

Old Style was first brewed in 1902 by G. Heileman Brewing Company in La Crosse Wisconsin. In 1996, Heileman's was purchased by Stroh's. In 1999, Pabst brought out Stroh's. When Pabst bought Stroh's they bought the Old Style name, but not the recipe.

The original Old Style recipe is still being brewed in La Crosse, Wisconsin by City Brewing Company under the name La Crosse Lager.

So, in honor of number 17, grab yourself an ice cold Old Style, and celebrate Mark Grace. Also look for him on Fox, he'll probably be broadcasting a game on his birthday.

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