Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Beer Review, Saranac Traditional Lager

As the All-Star Game decided it would never end; I decided I'd have another beer. My second at home choice was Saranac Traditional Lager.

This one looked... like a lager. The picture is dark and doesn't do it justice. This thing looked like PBR/Bud/Old Style/Miller. It looked like a macro. It smelled sweet; that lager sweet smell. Sickeningly sweet. It felt thin and watery, like big macros. An aftertaste finally crept up on the back of the tongue.

It tasted... sweet, like a lager. As it warmed, I thought, is that honey?

This is definitely a lawnmower beer. It's pretty good. If I had to drink a macro style lager, this would be one that I'd go for. This would make a good gateway beer.

I thought it similar to Highland's Shining Rock Lager.

I got this bottle from the mix six that Jay gave me, two weekends ago up in the Quad Cities.

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